The scholar’s knowledge – Thomas Brooks
What is the scholar’s knowledge of the strength, riches, glories, and sweetness of far countries, obtained by maps and books compared to their knowledge, who daily see and enjoy those things?
Truly, that knowledge which is only notional, speculative, and general; which is gathered out of books, discourses, and other outward advantages, is such a knowledge that will make men sit down in hell, as it did Judas, Demas, the scribes and pharisees, etc.
A man who has that experimental knowledge which accompanies salvation, will from his experience tell you, that sin is the greatest evil in the world for he has found it so, Rom. 7; that Christ is the one thing necessary for he has found Him so, Psalm 27:4; that the favor of God is better than life for he has found it so, Psalm 63:3; that pardoning mercy alone makes a man happy for he has found it so, Psalm 32:1-2; that a wounded spirit is such a burden that none can bear for he has found it so, Prov. 18:14; that a humble and a broken heart is an acceptable sacrifice to God for he has found it so, Psalm 51:17; that the promises are precious pearls for he has found them so, 2 Pet. 1:4; that the smiles of God will make up the lack of any outward mercies for he has found it so, Psalm 4:6-7; that only communion with God can make a heaven in a believer’s heart for he has found it so, Psalm 48:10; that if the Spirit is pleased and obeyed, He will be a comforter to the soul for he has found it so, John 16:7; but if His motions and laws are slighted and neglected, He will stand far off from the soul, He will vex and gall the soul for he has found it so, Lam 1:16; Isa 63:10-11.
That knowledge which is not experimental, will only increase your guilt and torment, as it did the Scribes’ and Pharisees’.