The Sin of Cain - Lee Brainard

Man is self-centered. He wants to go his own way and do his own thing, and he doesn’t care what God wants. If he communicates with God, it is only on the vain assumption that God does, or should, rubber-stamp the self-will of mortals — straying mortals. When God doesn’t comply with their straying desires, they get angry.

We saw this back in the beginning when Cain offered God the fruits of the earth (Gen. 4). This was wrong and Cain knew it. He had no excuse. He was familiar with the sacrifice of lambs and using their skins for clothing (a type of being covered by the death of THE Lamb, even Jesus). He had the privilege of talking with God face-to-face (Gen. 4:9). So why did Cain so blatantly ignore the revealed will of God? Why did he so obstinately do his own thing? Self-will.

Cain’s disobedience seems so brazen. Disobeying the words of God from the very mouth of God! Yet, modern man — religious and irreligious alike — treats God the same way. When men ignore the revealed will of God given to man in the Bible (the God-breathed words of the living God — 1 Tim. 3:16), they are following in Cain’s footsteps. This path will lead them into deception and sin, like it did Cain. So depart from the way of Cain today. Quit doing things your way. Get serious about the Bible. Learn to do things God’s way.

~Lee Brainard, April 18, 2015

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