It is a marvelous wonder that a Man could be God. Yet, wicked mankind needed and a righteous God provided a perfect Man-God to save mankind from eternal condemnation.
Adam and Eve’s disobedience and self-will caused all of mankind to have a sin nature. This sin nature caused all mankind to be condemned. (“For as in Adam all die.” “Therefore, as through one man’s offense (Adams) judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation.” I Cor. 15:22, Rom. 5:18. God cannot stand sin and refuses to be in the presence of sin. Mankind needed to be saved from the judgment that is against them and be restored to the presence of God.
THE SON came down from heaven to be the Son of Man. As the proven sinless, holy Man, He could offer Himself as the required blood sacrifice for the sin and self-will of all mankind. On the cross He suffered for our sins, as God the Father loaded the sins of all mankind upon Him. The world became dark for three hours as this extreme, immeasurable sacrifice was made. He shed His blood as a Man to provide cleansing for all of mankind. What a shame that only a few will humble themselves, admit their sin, repent and accept this Man-God as their Savior and Lord for cleansing and eternal life.
Pilate, in consigning Him to crucifixion said, “Behold the Man.” The apostle Thomas, after the resurrection said, “My Lord and my God.”
Lewllyn Tewksbury, November 5. 2016