The Text Plus the Holy Spirit - A.W.Tozer
So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain. –Ezekiel 33:31
When you are trying to find out the condition of a church, do not just inquire whether it is evangelical. Ask whether it is an evangelical rationalistic church that says, “The text is enough,” or whether it is a church that believes that the text plus the Holy Spirit is enough….
I would rather be part of a small group with inner knowledge than part of a vast group with only intellectual knowledge. In that great day of Christ’s coming, all that will matter is whether or not I have been inwardly illuminated, inwardly regenerated, inwardly purified. Faith Beyond Reason, 30,32.
“I too, Lord, ‘would rather be part of a small group with inner knowledge than part of a vast group with only intellectual knowledge.’ Fill us with Your Spirit and Your presence today. Amen.”