The true Christian hates all sin – Thomas Brooks
(“The Glorious Day of the Saints Appearance”)
“I hate every wrong path.” Psalm 119:104
The original word signifies to hate with a deadly and irreconcilable hatred; to hate so as that nothing will satisfy but the destruction of the thing hated.
The true Christian hates all sin. All sin strikes at God, at His holiness, as well as at an upright man’s happiness. All sin strikes at God’s glory, as well as at the soul’s comfort; therefore the soul strikes at all sin. All sins, in the eye of an upright heart, are traitors to the crown and dignity of the Lord Jesus; therefore the soul rises in arms against all. An upright heart looks upon sin to be a universal evil. An upright heart looks upon sin as that which has thrown down:
the most righteous man in the world, as Noah;
the best believer in the world, as Abraham;
the best king in the world, as David;
the best apostle in the world, as Paul;
the strongest man in the world, as Samson;
the wisest man in the world, as Solomon;
the meekest man in the world, as Moses;
the patientest man in the world, as Job;
and so his soul rises against it.
An upright heart hates all sins, even those he cannot conquer. An unsound heart, a rotten heart, strikes at some sins and yet loves and retains other sins.