The worst & most infectious plague in the world – Thomas Brooks

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11

Keep at the greatest distance from sin, and from playing with the golden bait which Satan holds forth to catch you!

It is our wisest and our safest course to stand at the farthest distance from sin; not to go near the house of the harlot but to fly from all appearance of evil. The best course to prevent falling into the pit is to keep at the greatest distance from it; he who will be so bold as to attempt to dance upon the brink of the pit, may find by woeful experience that it is a righteous thing with God, that he should fall into the pit.

Joseph keeps at a distance from sin, and from playing with Satan’s golden baits and stands. David draws near, and plays with the bait and falls, and swallows bait and hook! David comes near the snare, and is taken in it, to the breaking of his bones, the wounding of his conscience, and the loss of fellowship with his God.

Sin is a plague, yes, the worst and most infectious plague in the world; and yet, ah! how few are there who tremble at it who keep at a distance from it! Ah, how does the father’s sin infect the child, the husband’s infect the wife, the master’s the servant! The sin that is in one man’s heart is able to infect a whole world, it is of such a spreading and infectious nature!
