They Who Wait Upon the Lord.
Whose strength can help when things are rough;
And human strength is not enough?
The way it has been put to me;
I turn and put it now to thee:
Who scooped his hand down from the skies,
And measured out the ocean’s size?
Who by his strength that cannot fail,
Has weighed the mountains in a scale?
Who used a spoon to comprehend,
The dust of earth from end to end?
Who stretched his fingers out and spanned,
The endless universe by hand?
Have you not heard, have you not known?
That he who sits upon his throne,
And on the circle of the earth,
And counts its princes nothing worth,
Who stretched the universe abroad,
Is he who is the living God?
From whom did He the truth receive?
Who taught Him judgement to achieve?
A little dust upon a scale.
A drop of water in a pail,
An empty bucket, base to brim,
Is all the nations mean to Him.
To whom then will you liken me?
Or what then shall my equal be?
Lift up, lift up your eyes on high,
And there behold the starry sky.
I spoke the word and it was done,
And then I named them one by one!
And by the greatness of my power,
I keep them burning every hour.
I formed the eye; can I not see?
How do you think to hide from me?
How can you dare to say so fast,
My judgement has been overpassed?
Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard,
That he who made the earth by word,
Is never faint or weary grown,
And that his wisdom can’t be known?
He giveth power to the faint
And helps the weak and weary saint.
The strong shall then be faint and fall,
The young men with the old and all.
But they who wait upon the Lord;
Renew their strength with one accord.
They mount with eagles’ wings on high,
They walk, they run, they soar, they fly!
Ezra Brainard, May 2014.
Isaiah 40:12-31