Thy Will Be Done
That one unchanging song of praise
Should from our hearts arise;3
That we should know his wondrous ways,
Though hidden from the wise;4
That we, so sinful and so base,
Should know the glory of His grace.5
His will to grant the yearning prayer
For dear ones far away,6
That they His grace and love may share,
And tread His pleasant way;
That in the Father and the Son
All perfect we may be in one.7
His will the little flock to bring
Into His royal fold,
To reign forever with their King,8
His beauty to behold.9
Sin’s fell dominion crushed for aye,
Sorrow and sighing fled away.
This thou hast asked! And shall the prayer,
Float upward on a sigh?
No song were sweet enough to bear
Such glad desires on high!
But God thy Father shall fulfil,
In thee and for thee, all His will.
Frances Ridley Havergal