To Anton Lauterbach letter 8 - Martin Luther


Luther desires him to inquire about a youth who was wooing his niece in Wittenberg. July 5, 1545.

My beloved brother in the Lord, there is a certain youth here, my Anton, who calls himself Ernest Peuchter, from beyond Dresden. This individual has made up to the widow of Ambrosius Bernardi, my niece Magdalena, and has won her with grand-sounding words, so that it looks as if under the pretext of marriage he was after her little bit of money. Since hearing this I have been very uneasy, for it seems to me as if this unknown and very young fellow (under twenty) is preparing a pitfall for me; for, without consulting us, or producing a testimonial from his parents or guardians, he is trying to delude the poor foolish woman. Therefore, I beseech you, find out about his parents and guardians, and what are their means, and especially if they know what he is after. For he may have written that he has the run of my house and my consent. Tell them this is a lie, for we shall oppose it with all our might. For this proposal would suit neither the one nor the other; and I would like the parents to recall their son before I am driven to harder measures, for my office will not permit that he, without his parents’ knowledge, should enter the married state in this church, much less with my niece, as years ago I condemned the lawyers in a similar case. Therefore write me minutely. For I shall prevent this

marriage under the pretext that up till now he has not got his father’s consent, and thereby sets my authority at naught. And thus I shall elude the devil, who wishes to make me and my church a laughing-stock.

Farewell, and do as I wish. MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 21. 1548.)

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