To Frederick Myconius,at Gotha - Martin Luther
Luther wishes to hear of John Hilten in Eisenach. November 7, 1529.
Grace and peace! Your letters, my Frederick, were most welcome, being full of brotherly love, and also a proof of your kindness in finding out what I wished. I expect your promised letter shortly. You will already know all about the Turks. God fought for us, driving them away through a marvellous fright. We must beg God to be our wall, and send His angels to help us. We cannot sufficiently laud your
faith, in praying against the Turks and the gates of hell, with your congregation. God hear you in our day of trouble; even as the angel could not destroy Sodom because of one Lot, so may it be with us on account of the many pious people here. Amen. There is nothing new here. Philip is from home, or he would have written. He and Amsdorf are honoring the marriage of Herr Trutleben in Freyberg with their presence. Many greetings from my Kathie, the head of the house. Greet your wife, who may be your lord as well, and our hostess, and Basilius, and your justiciary,
and may you prosper greatly in Christ! MARTIN LUTHER .