To George Buchholzer,Provost in Berlin - Martin Luther
TO GEORGE BUCHHOLZER, PROVOST IN BERLIN On the same subject. To this day the white surplice is often worn in the Nicolai and Marien churches, the oldest in Berlin.
December 4, 1539.
To the esteemed Herr Georgio Buchholzer, my dear brother in Christ, grace and peace through Christ! Dear Herr Provost — I cannot write much because of the weakness of my head. You will see from the letters what we think of the form of Church government of your Elector, my most gracious lord. In regard to the things of which you complain, the cowl and surplice in the procession on feast days, and the walking round the churchyard on Sundays and at Easter, etc. etc., this is my advice: If your lord, the Margrave and Elector, allows you to preach the gospel of Christ purely, without man’s additions, and permits the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper according to Christ’s appointment, and does not insist upon the worshipping of the saints as mediators and intercessors, and the carrying of the host in the procession, nor upon daily masses for the dead, nor holy water nor responses and songs, Latin and German in the processions, then in God’s name go round with them, carrying a silver or gold cross, and cowl or surplice of velvet, silk, or linen. And if one of these be not enough, then put on three, as did Aaron, the High Priest, each one more beautiful than another, from which church vestments in the Papacy are named Ornata. And if your lord the Elector be not satisfied with one procession, then go round seven times, as Joshua went round Jericho with the children of Israel blowing trumpets, and if your lord has any desire let him go on in front, springing and dancing with harps and cymbals, drums and bells, as did David when they brought the ark of the Lord up to Jerusalem. I have no objections to that. For such things, if not abused, neither add to nor take from the gospel, but they must never be regarded as necessary nor made a matter of conscience. As to the elevation of the elements in the Mass, this too is an open question when nothing is added thereto, so
in God’s name raise them as long as you like. We in Wittenberg had good reasons for making an end of the custom — reasons which may not exist in Berlin. And we shall not again begin it, for it is a free thing and not ordered by God, for God’s command alone is necessary. Your lord’s messengers will give you all further news. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose servant you are, will support you by His Spirit, and see that His name be glorified, His kingdom come, and His will be done. For this I pray daily.
Thursday after St. Andrew’s Day. MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)
A Congress of Evangelical Princes was held in Schmalkalden in March, to which the Elector, Melanchthon, Bugenhagen, Jonas, and Cruciger went. Melanchthon was present at Landgrave Philip’s marriage on March 4. The Emperor arranged a conference of Roman Catholic and Protestant Princes in Hagenau. Melanchthon dangerously ill on his way thither. Protestants at Hagenau would not listen to the proposed union between the conflicting parties, so another conference was held at Worms in October. Calvin, then resident in Strassburg, was present at both conferences.