To Hieronymus Weller - Martin Luther
Luther thanks him for looking after his son. June 19, 1530.
Grace and peace! I have received two letters from you, my beloved Hieronymus, two charming letters, the second of which was the most delightful, in which you speak of my son Hans as his pedagogue, and he your diligent pupil. God grant I may some day be able to requite you for this. May Christ make
up for my shortcomings! Magister Veit tells me that at times you are a prey to a spirit of melancholy — a temptation which is most prejudicial to the young. The Scripture says: “A broken spirit drieth the bones.” And the Holy Spirit, in various parts of the Bible, bids us try to banish these forebodings. In Ecclesiastes we read, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth.” “Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart,” etc. A joyful heart is life to a man, and an unceasing fountain of health, and prolongs his years. Many have allowed themselves to be consumed
of grief, and it has been of no avail. But be sure that these black thoughts proceed from the devil, for God is not a God of sadness, but of consolation and joy. Is not joy in the Lord real life? So drive away such thoughts. The struggle is hard to begin with, but it gradually becomes easier; and it is common to all the saints, but they struggle and achieve the victory. The great secret in this conflict is to disregard these thoughts and despise their hissings as if they were a flock of geese, and pass by. Remember the Israelites, who overcame the fiery serpents by directing their gaze to the brazen serpent. This is
certain victory in this conflict. Therefore beware, my Jerome, of letting them lodge in thy heart. A wise man, in reply to one sorely tempted, said: “You cannot prevent birds fleeing over your head, but you can hinder them building in your hair.” God takes no pleasure in such sorrow. Sorrow over our sins is very different. It is a sweet sorrow, in view of forgiveness; but that which proceeds from the devil has no promises annexed. It is of no avail. When I return we shall discuss this. Greet your brother, to whom I have begun a letter, but the messenger waits. May Christ comfort and cheer you!
I commend you to your pupils. MARTIN LUTHER .