To his son Hans Luther - Martin Luther
Luther begs him to moderate his grief. December 25, 1542.
Grace and peace, my dearest Hans! I and thy mother and all the household are well. Do endeavor manfully to conquer thy tears, that thou mayst not add to thy mother’s distress, for she is only too prone to grieve. Obey God, who, through us, desires you to work where you are, and then thou wilt easily overcome your weakness. Thy mother cannot write, and does not think it necessary to repeat what she said to you, viz. that you can come home if things go badly with you, but she meant if you were ill. If this happen, let us know at once. Otherwise she hopes you will cease this lamentation, and pick up heart and go quietly on with your studies. May all go well with you in the Lord.
Luther had done away with the elevation of the sacramental elements in the Schloss Church in 1542, and Bugenhagen had done the same in the Stadt Church. Bucer and Melanchthon were in Cologne, promoting the Reformation there. In June the Protestants met in Schmalkalden, and received the King of Sweden into their bond. A new version of the Bible was published, and Matthesius gives a glimpse of those engaged in the laborious work of supervision in Luther’s house. Melanchthon, that master of Greek, was there, with Cruciger, so well versed in Hebrew and Greek as well as in Chaldean, along with Bugenhagen with his intimate knowledge of the Vulgate. And Justus Jonas and Aurogallus, Professor of Hebrew, were also present, while George Rorer acted as corrector. Other learned guests from afar
often lent their aid.