To Joachim II of Brandenburg - Martin Luther
Petition to permit export of purchased corn. January 7, 1540.
To the Most Serene High-born Prince Joachim, Elector of Brandenburg.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, most gracious Elector and lord! We humbly desire to let your Grace know that the church here did its utmost during the great scarcity to buy corn for the poor, and those deputed to do this had to visit many places. But when at length the excellent Dietrich von Rochau had secured 21 Wispel (Medlar) for our church and the poor, he was given to understand that your Grace would graciously permit it to be taken out of your land. Although we now know that your Electoral Highness has interdicted this on account of the exigences of your own domains, yet we venture humbly to plead that this statute may be modified, or perhaps entirely set aside, in regard to your nearest neighbors for the sake of the poor in their dire need, even as Joseph, in the great famine in the East, distributed corn not only to the Egyptians, but to those of other lands. And Solomon says that people shall curse him who withholdeth corn, but blessings shall be upon the head of him that selleth it, which saying all should call to remembrance at this time, and act upon it, so that God may bless us by giving us once more a plentiful year, and by feeding His poor abundantly; for, we are told that God giveth to the beast his food and to the young ravens which cry. So we must pray earnestly that God may have pity on the poor, and for their sakes send an abundant harvest. Therefore we trust your Electoral Grace may show yourself graciously disposed towards the poor in those dear times, and grant the petition we are compelled to present, viz. that permission may be granted to Dietrich von Rochau to export the corn he has purchased. God will surely reward this according to His promise. And we shall earnestly beseech God to prosper and bless your Electoral Highness.