To Justus Jonas letter 2 - Martin Luther


Luther longs for his friend’s return. November 29, 1527.

Grace and peace! That you are so earnest in your prayers for me, dear Jonas, is a very great boon to me, poor tortured creature. I also pray much for you that Christ may take pity on you, for I hear you suffer from stone. I would counsel you to return to us, for Christ be praised, the plague has abated, and our townspeople are beginning to marry and live in security.

Your quarters since — ‘s death are now quite purified up to the Pfarr church and the market. May the

Lord guide you to what is well pleasing to Him and good for yourself. Amen.

Greet your Kathie and Justelchen. Augustine’s wife is better. If only Margaretta Mochim would recover, but now we have hope. She has been some weeks ill, and can scarcely hear or speak.

P.S. — Your house, which is now clean, I have lent to the other chaplain’s wife and family, for she was so distressed over the death of her friend, the chaplain’s wife, that it was the only way to comfort her, but the two husbands sleep here in the manse. I hope you will excuse us making so free with your belongings, but I promised that if the plague attack any of them they shall at once be brought back here. Meanwhile may Christ give you a house in Nordhausen, as we in our dire need had to take

yours. Our Brunoni’s little son will not live over the day, for death has marked the orphan for his own. Farewell in Christ. MARTIN LUTHER .

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