To Justus Jonas letter 25 - Martin Luther
Luther blames the letter-carriers for carelessness. February 6, 1542.
Grace and peace! I repeat what I said to our excellent Herr Kilian, that you need expect no more letters from me unless you arrange that your messengers take the trouble to wait for an answer to yours. For they deliver them in such a manner, or rather toss them to the first one who comes in their way, as if they were pressed with business, or had to strangle the Turks in the interim. If you do not see to this, then depend upon it, it is impossible for me to answer. You know that I am too poor to send a special messenger to you, and too busy to be always asking who is going to Halle. So much for your last four, if not more letters. Herr Kilian was a most welcome guest, and would have been more so had he remained as an inmate of my house; but he was in such haste that I pled in vain. But the
union of hearts is the most delightful of banquets, no matter how far apart people may be in the body. The communion of saints is the Church. Farewell, and pray for me. The Lord be with you. Amen.
We all send warm greetings to your dear wife, who has enriched your house with so many olive branches. I would like to hear if Carlstadt died repentant. His poor wife is to be here at Easter, and then we shall hear all. Once more I commend you to God. Amen. P.S. — The plague has deprived
Bucer of his wife and son, and also of his daughters. You are aware that many learned men are absent. The friend from Basel who told me of Carlstadt’s death told me a wonderful story about him: that people were spitting on his grave and at his house, but it is not right to speak evil of the dead.
We hear by way of Hungary that the Sultan’s eldest son has broken away from his father and is stirring
up war in Syria, because the father wishes to give the kingdom to the younger brother. Eck has written a foolish pamphlet against the Regensburg proceedings, pouring out the vials of his wrath against Bucer, although he vilifies others as well.
MARTIN LUTHER . (Schutze.)