To Justus Jonas letter 6 - Martin Luther


Luther writes about the birds which enliven his solitude, although Veit Dietrich and his nephew were with him.

April 22, 1530.

Grace and peace! At last we are sitting here up amongst the clouds, in the kingdom of the birds, whose harsh tones, all screaming together, produce a very Babel, the daws or ravens having taken up their quarters before our eyes, forming a forest in front of us. I can assure you there was a shrieking. It goes on from four in the morning far into the night, so that I believe there is no other place where so many birds gather as here. And not one is silent for a moment, old and young, mothers with daughters, singing a song of praise. Perhaps they sing thus sweetly to lull us to sleep, which God

grant we may enjoy tonight. The daw is to my mind a most useful bird. I fancy they signify a whole army of sophists, etc., who have assembled from the ends of the earth so that I may profit by their wisdom, enjoy their delicious song, and rejoice in their useful services in both the secular and spiritual realm. At present the nightingale is not to be heard, although its forerunner and imitator, the cuckoo, is raising its exquisite voice. I am scarce of news, but rather send a jocular letter than none,

especially as the daws fill heaven and earth with their melody. The Lord be with you! Let us pray for each other, for we need it urgently. Greet all friends.

Farewell. from the kingdom of the daws. MARTIN LUTHER .

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