To King Christian of Denmark letter 2 - Martin Luther
Luther recommends a certain George Stur. November 26, 1545.
Grace and peace in the Lord, and my poor paternoster, Most Serene Highborn Prince, most gracious King! Magister George Stur, a native of the principality of Schleswig, begged me to write you after receiving your Majesty’s promise of a stipendium, part of which money he has received, and pleads that your Majesty would graciously remember him and complete the matter. For he has a very good
name here, being pious and honest, a diligent student, and one from whom we expect much; therefore
I could not refuse his request for a recommendation to you. Therefore I humbly plead that your Majesty would graciously keep him in remembrance, which would be a good work, well pleasing to God, who gives richly, and requites all that is done for Him. To Him I recommend your Majesty, along with the young Princes, land, and people, with the whole Government. Amen.
Your devoted MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)
P.S. — I have received your Majesty’s gracious gift of 50 thalers through Dr. Pommer, and send my warmest thanks for it. May God reward you abundantly here and there.