To King Christian of Denmark - Martin Luther
Luther requests Peutinger’s removal from Sweden. April 12, 1544.
To the Mighty Serene High-born Prince Christian of Denmark, Holstein, etc. Grace and peace and my poor paternoster, mighty and gracious king! The poor forsaken wife, Katherine Peutinger, has asked me to write your Majesty about this matter. There is a wicked scoundrel with the King of Sweden who calls himself Dr. Peutinger, and through his lies and arts is now Chancellor, and I hear lives like a lord. This same rascal is a furrier’s son at Frankfort-on-Main, is no doctor, and has wandered through the land practising all sorts of knavery, among which is this, that he married Frau Katherine, of good family, living with her openly, and deserted her some years ago, leaving her destitute. Over and
above, he boasts that he has been divorced from her (which is not true) through Dr. Luther and M. Philip, and has married another — of the Kockeritz family — who is now with him in Sweden. Now His Majesty has been written to on the subject, and I also have written him, but the fellow knows how to make away with letters. Therefore the only hope of reaching His Majesty of Sweden is through your Majesty. Hence it is my most humble request that you would perform this work of mercy, and graciously see to it that those letters come into the hands of the King of Sweden, for no one doubts that did His Swedish Majesty know the truth concerning this rascal, he would see that he got justice. May your Majesty graciously take this, my humble petition, in good part. I could not refuse to write you, for the matter is notorious, both land and people being able to vouch for its truth, and the poor wife has almost to beg her bread of penury from her friends. I herewith commit you to the dear God. Amen.
Your Majesty’s obedient servant, MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)