To Martin Bucer,Superintendent of Strassburg churchs - Martin Luther
TO MARTIN BUCER, SUPERINTENDENT OF STRASSBURG CHURCHES Luther wishes to be kept informed of the spread of the gospel.
April 16, 1539.
Grace and peace in the Lord! I think, dear Bucer, that you must see you cannot expect so many letters from me. For you have more leisure and fewer years, not to speak of the work with which I am hourly overwhelmed. Therefore I answer all your letters at once, for I flatter myself that ours is a genuine friendship, free from compulsion, and I trust that it is the same with all your co-workers, to whom I send my kindest regards. I am always delighted to hear of matters pertaining to the crucified Word. The prophecy of St. Peter is being fulfilled, “They shall utterly perish in their own corruptions.”
And now they are again breathing out threatenings against us, and boast not without effect. God will render their counsels of no avail, as He has hitherto done, although our sins, ingratitude, and coldness will draw down heavy penalties. Already the winds and waters have been so tempestuous that the oldest men have never seen the like. Our Crato wished me to preface our postils, but as I have forgotten my Latin, having used German so long, I wished him to apply to you, which I now also do. Regarding the King of England, I fear he will deceive your hopes. The English here often complain of their King, and laud the freedom we enjoy. May God guide his and the hearts of all other kings to His glory. We may believe the reports of the Emperor having had no luck since he allied himself to the
God-forsaken Pope. Now we are blamed for everything. Greet Herren John Sturm and John Calvin warmly from me, whose writings I read with great pleasure. I wish that Saloder could be persuaded
that God is also the Creator of the human race outside Italy, but it is impossible to plant this conviction in the heart of Italians, whose sole feelings in regard to others is that of proud superiority. I commend you to God. MARTIN LUTHER . (Schutze.)