To Nicolas Hausmann letter 27 - Martin Luther


About Hausmann’s health and a pamphlet. September 24, 1533.

Your illness, dear brother, is a great grief to me. May Christ stand by you, and not only restore you to health, but enable you to bear your illness patiently. For He loves you because you are suffering for Him and proclaim His word. Be strong, and despise him who hates you and hates Him whom you preach, Jesus Christ. By God’s help, I am so occupied that I could not send you a line by Aurelius this morning. Herzog George has issued a pamphlet which certainly does honor to his talents and character. But God be thanked, who thereby lets everyone get a glimpse of his foolish heart, and truly

he has merited this through his constant persecution of the Word. He has now become his own accuser and judge, proclaiming himself to the world as a liar and traducer of the Word. For our own sakes, not for his, we shall answer him in a dignified manner. Pray for us. My Kathie, who holds you in affec- tionate remembrance, greets you. You must give my respectful greetings to your noble and highly- esteemed Princes, whose reputation, through the grace of God, is daily increasing, being a sweet savour to all. The Lord be with you. Written while your Weller is conducting the music during supper. MARTIN LUTHER . (Schutze.)

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