To Nicolas von Amsdorf letter 23 - Martin Luther


Projected visitation in Naumburg. January 9, 1545.

Grace and peace in Christ! The Lord bless you out of Zion, and grant you your heart’s desire, honored father in Christ. Go on in the name of the Lord, attending thoroughly to the duties of your office, and doing the work of a bishop, to which you are called, by at least visiting the churches under your jurisdiction, over which you have full authority. The Lord be with you. When this or that “centaur” objects to you holding a visitation, then you are not to blame, but as the Gospel teaches, shake the dust from off your feet over them. I shall alter the preface to the book on Visitation, but it will take time. As soon as the printers return from the fair (Messe ) I shall arrange with Johann Luft and the booksellers to set to work. Later it may be found that some alterations must be made because of the Naumburg bishopric constitution, and of the dissimilarity of the circumstances. It was after the visitation our people first issued the visitors’ Book on the Visitation. And it will be no great hardship for the clergy themselves although they do not get copies at once. I have seen the Pope’s Bull, and consider it a farce. They say at Court that the Pope has brought a singular monstrosity into the world, and that he will soon openly worship the Sultan, and even the devil, before he will improve matters, or

act according to the Word of God. We have had abundant proof of this already. But the Lord Jesus, who slays His enemy by the Word of His mouth, will overthrow him through the splendor of His appearing. Still I shall never cease to portray this Bestie to the life, if I live long enough to do so. Amen.

MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 21. 1537.)

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