To Philip Melanchthon letter 6 - Martin Luther
Grace and peace in Christi We have at last reached our Sinai, my dear Herr Philip, but out of this Sinai we shall make a Zion and build three tabernacles: one to the Psalter, one to the Prophets, and one to AEsop. But time is needed for this. This is a most agreeable spot, most suitable for study, only I miss you greatly. I get quite excited when I think of the Turks and Mohamed, and of the diabolic fury which they vent on our bodies and souls. But at such times I shall pray fervently till He who dwells in
Heaven shall hear my petition. I see you are much distressed at the sight of those cowled monks who seem quite at home. But it is our fate to be spectators of the fierce onslaughts of these two realms and remain steadfast; and this onslaught is a sign and harbinger of our redemption. I pray that you
may have refreshing sleep, and keep your soul free from care and from the fiery darts of the Evil One. Amen. I write this to while away my idle time, as my box with papers, etc., has not arrived. I have
not seen the castle steward yet. Meanwhile I want for nothing necessary to a solitary being. The great building which projects from the castle has been placed entirely at my disposal, and the keys of all the rooms have been put into my hands. There are over thirty men in the castle, among whom are twelve watchmen and two warders for the towers. But why write all this? only I have nothing else to write. Greet Dr. Caspar Cruciger and Magister Spalatin from me. I shall greet Eisleben and Adler through Dr. Jonas. From the region of the birds.