To the elector John Frederick letter 4 - Martin Luther


Luther begs the Elector to allow Melanchthon to go to France, whither the King invited him, and other matters regarding his absence.

August 17, 1535.

Grace and peace with my paternoster, Most Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord! I most respectfully beg of you, in God’s name, to allow Philip to go to France. I am moved to make this request because of the pitiful appeal I have received from some honored and pious people who have narrowly escaped the flames, and it was Philip who, with infinite trouble, induced the King to make an end of the butchery and burning. Therefore, if these people are deprived of their consolation, then the bloodhounds may begin their bloody work afresh, so I do not see how Herr Philip can, with a clear

conscience, desert them in their deep need, and rob them of their much-needed consolation, especially as it might make the King and those about him very mistrustful of all of us, for he has graciously written himself requesting Philip’s presence, besides sending a messenger. Your princely Grace will, by the grace of God, permit Philip to leave for three months. Who knows what God may mean to do, whose thoughts are at all times higher and better than ours! For my part, I should be very sorry were so many pious hearts deprived of the comfort for which they so touchingly and so confidently cry and wait. And one could not wonder if they and many others thought badly of us. Therefore I plead once more that your Electoral Grace would most graciously grant Philip’s request. We pray daily to God for your Electoral Highness, and by our diligent labor try to promote your cause. May God lead and strengthen your Highness by His Holy Spirit to do His good and gracious will! Amen.


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