To the Elector John letter 6 - Martin Luther


Request to have Emser’s New Testament suppressed. Rostock became Evangelical in 1527 through the earnest preaching of Sluter, the Rostock reformer, who was poisoned in 1532.

November 23, 1529.

To the Serene High-born Prince, the Elector John of Saxony. Grace and peace in Christ! Some prominent citizens of Lubeck have written informing us that some Lollards have caused Emser’s New Testament to be printed in Rostock, in Saxon, through which they fear much mischief may be done, and have begged me to request your Grace to petition the Herzog of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, for God’s honor and the good of souls, to forbid its publication. For although I have nothing against the Emser Testament, whose contents the rascals have wickedly stolen from me (for it is precisely my text, with a few harmless alterations), yet since he has reissued it, so scandalously mangled with his annotations, and accompanied by a glossary which prevents it bearing any fruit, but rather does

harm, I beseech your Electoral Grace graciously to present this petition to the highly esteemed Herzog Heinrich, and let us have the answer by the messenger who brings this, for as much as in us lies we must defend ourselves against the devil. May Christ our Lord be with your Grace to all eternity! Amen. Your Electoral Highness’s obedient MARTIN LUTHER .

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