To the electoral prince john Frederick - Martin Luther

TO THE ELECTORAL PRINCE JOHN FREDERICK Luther inspires him with courage.

June 30, 1530.

To the Serene High-born Prince, Herr Johannes Friedrich, Duke of Saxony. Grace and peace in Christ, most gracious Lord! Your Grace sees with his own eyes what kind of lord the devil is, who leads captive through his wily ways so many great people. Although I know that your Highness is well armed (thank God) against his wicked devices, yet I, in my anxiety for you, write humbly to beg you not to worry

over the wicked onslaughts of your nearest blood relations. For when the devil is powerless to do more, he makes the heart heavy through our friends’ persecution. The 37th Psalm is an excellent medicine against such trials. It exposes the malice of Satan’s emissaries, who unceasingly try to provoke us to

an impatient word, act, or gesture, so that thereby he may accuse us of disobedience and rebellion. But it is written, “If God be for us, who can be against us ?” And we must put up with the knavery of wicked people and “overcome evil with good.” No doubt the Emperor is a pious man and worthy of all honor, but what can one man do against so many devils if God do not give him His powerful help? I am sorry that your Highness’s blood relations behave so disgracefully; but I must have patience, else I would be wishing all manner of evil. How much worse then must it be for your Grace? But for God’s

and the dear Emperor’s sake be patient, and pray for the miserable creatures who have not yet conquered. If I err in saying your Grace has suffered through your friends’ malice, it is a great joy to me, and you will forgive me, as I said it out of the goodness of my heart, for as I sit here I think “so- and -so will feel this,” and make him unhappy, “and another that,” for I attribute all wickedness to the devil. I commit your Princely Highness to God. Amen..

Your Princely Highness’s devoted servant, MARTIN LUTHER . Given at Coburg

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