To the Town council of Torgau - Martin Luther
Luther sends a petition on behalf of their pastor, Gabriel Zwilling. August 18, 1545.
To the honored and wise citizens and Council of Torgau. My gracious lords and friends, grace and peace in the Lord! Your pastor, M. Gabriel, has begged me to present this petition for him. He having received a present of one cask of beer from the honored Council, and having purchased two in addition, and being obliged to purchase a fourth, we desire that the fourth should also be a gift.
Although I am sure he could have got this without my intervention, he wished me to intercede for him. As the honored town and Council know how long and faithfully he has served, and has enlarged his house without any special assistance, I beg of you to present him with the fourth cask of beer also. For he is one who should receive twofold honor, as St. Paul inculcates. I would not ask this did I not know
it could be easily granted. I am ever ready to help the Council in any way. I herewith commit you to the dear God. MARTIN LUTHER .
P.S. — I fancy I have thanked the honored Council (for in the multitude of my thoughts and business I
forget) for the present of the cask of beer. If not, I now do so most warmly, for it was excellent.