Tomb, the Company of Jesus in – Charles Spurgeon

WHAT more appropriate chamber for a prince’s son to go to sleep in than the prince’s own tomb? There slept Emmanuel. There, my body, you may be well content to sleep too! What more royal couch can you desire than the bosom of that same mother earth whereon the Savior was laid to rest awhile? Think, beloved, of the ten thousand saints that have gone that way to Heaven. Who shall dread to go where all the flock have gone? You one poor timid sheep, if you alone had to go through this dark valley, you might well be afraid; but, oh, in addition to your Shepherd, who marches at the head of all the flock, listen to the footsteps of the innumerable sheep that follow him. And some were very dear to you, and fed in the same pasture with you. Do you dread to go where they have gone? No; see the place where Jesus lay, to see what good company is to be had, though it may seem to be in a dark chamber.
