You are invited to:
Evangelism with Roy Daniel Pine Lake School 4293 River Road June 4-9, 2010
Friday and Saturday, June 4, 5: Opportunities for witnessing during the day, with a message from Roy on soul winning each evening at7:00.
Sunday June 6: Preaching on soul winning and evangelism by Roy at: 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. With the possibility for witnessing in the afternoon.
Please contact Ezra Brainard, if you are interested in the evangelism opportunities. (715) 771-9128
Fifth Annual Young People’s Meetings Pine Lake School 4293 River Road June 10-13, 2010
There is no charge for anything. Call Ezra Brainard for more information, or a place to stay. (715) 771-9128