Waiting on God for Victory – Charles Spurgeon
YOU have not wasted those many silent prayers and those bitter tears. Those feeble efforts of yours which were so imperfect that you could scarcely hope them to be successful, are all co-operating to produce a victory, the shouts of which shall be heard all down the ages. You may but lay a single stone of the heavenly temple, but if it be done for Christ, it is a stone which will stand the fire, and your share of the building will remain to the last, while many a great one who has built a mass of wood, and hay, and stubble, shall see his labors all consumed in the day that tries every man’s work. O, my fellow soldiers, as we rest in this bivouac today, waiting until another fight begins, let us be of good courage, and the Lord shall strengthen our hearts. Wait, I say, on the Lord, for the Lord is on our side. Our foes are tall as Goliath, and mighty as Pharaoh, and proud as Nebuchadnezzar, but in the name of God will we destroy them, for in the name of Jesus again we will say Jehovah-Nissi, and setting up the banner, we follow our Captain, whose vesture is dipped in blood. He rides forth conquering and to conquer, and we follow him to absolute victory; it is but a little before we shall hear the shout of “Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigns.