Every day there are men and women in North Dakota who are awaiting sentencing from the judge for the lawlessness and crimes they have committed. Some have pleaded guilty; others have pleaded not guilty, but have been proven guilty by a jury. The judge determines whether they should receive the death penalty, life in prison, a period of time in prison, or fines.
The judgment of God is according to truth, His word. Jesus Christ is the final judge of every human that has ever lived. He was given that authority by the Father. Acts 10:42. He will judge every born again believer, who has been declared righteous by the Father on the basis of their acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice, at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Only rewards will be given at this judgment and all believers can look ahead with joy to this judgment. Rom.14:10, 2 Cor.5:10, 1 Cor.3:8-15.
Christ will also judge all the guilty, unrepentant, sinful unbelievers who have loved their sin and chosen not to believe God. Some, like Cain, have been waiting 6000 years for his judgment before being put into the Lake of Fire forever. This is the Judgment of the Great White Throne found in Revelation 20:11-15. There are degrees of punish-ment handed out at this judgment that will be lived out in the Lake of Fire forever. There is no such thing as annihilation with God. Once born, man lives forever, either in loving communion with Christ and the Father or in the Lake of Fire with all the ungodly. Choose Christ.
Lewellyn Tewksbury, January 28, 2016