We have actually outsinned thousands – Thomas Brooks

Sit down and wonder at the matchless love of God.

Oh! what is in us that should cause the Lord to give such gifts to us as He has given? We were all equal in sin and misery; nay, doubtless, we have actually outsinned thousands, to whom these precious gifts are denied. Let us therefore sit down and wonder at this condescending love of God. Oh! we were once poor wretches sitting upon the ash-heap, yes, wallowing in our blood and yet behold! The King of kings, the Lord of lords, has so far condescended in His love, as to bestow Himself, His Spirit, His grace, and all the jewels of His royal crown upon us! Oh! what heart can conceive, what tongue can express, this matchless love!

I will be yours forever,” says Christ, “and My Spirit shall be yours forever, and My grace yours forever, and My glory yours forever, and My righteousness yours forever. All I am and all I have shall be yours forever!” O what matchless love is this! Oh! what a Christ is this!
