WHAT GOD GAVE - Hannes Zegement Grove
What God gave humanity—incredible
A breathtaking universe, life and free choice—unthinkable
His only Son to die on the forsaken tree
The Spirit, His Holy Ghost in us to be
For He loveth the world so much behold
That His love He gave is to this day told
What God gave you, can you not see
The earth at your feet, birds in the morning singing with glee
Painting the sky different each day for you to see
All this for you God says I have made for thee
So that you know I am Jehovah and seeketh me
What we give back is painfully true
We don’t want a God to rule over us, we don’t want You
We love our sins and want in this world to stay
Please stop the Christians for us they must not pray
We don’t want the truth we want our own way
What did God give your little heart
Agony, secret weeping, tears of pain??
That chance to stand up and your life to gain
A new life and world your suffering was not in vain
Stand up for Christ and remember what He gave
Truth and agony His Son so you can be safe
Now you got life eternal not the eternal grave