When God takes away your carnals – Thomas Brooks
One support to bear up the hearts of the people of God under the recent fiery dispensation, is this That the Lord will certainly, one way or another, make up all their losses to them. Sometimes God makes up His people’s outward losses by giving them . . .
more of Himself,
more of His Son,
more of His Spirit,
more of His favor,
more of His grace.
When God takes away your carnals, and gives you more spirituals; when God takes away your temporals, and gives you more eternals your outward losses are made up to you. When God takes away a Christian’s estate in this world, he looks for a better and enduring estate in heaven.
If men should . . .
take away your old clothes, and give you new clothes;
take away your rags, and give you robes;
take away your chaff, and give you wheat;
take away your water, and give you wine;
take away your tin, and give you silver;
take away your brass, and give you gold;
take away your pebbles, and give you pearls;
take away your cottages, and give you royal palaces
certainly you would have no cause to complain!
If God takes away your houses, your goods, your trades, your honors and gives you more of himself, and more grace He does you no injury. It is an excellent exchange, to get eternals for temporals.
If God takes away your earthly riches, and makes you more . . .
rich in grace,
rich in spiritual comforts,
rich in holy experiences,
rich in divine enjoyments,
then you are no losers but great gainers!
What are all the necessary comforts of this life, compared to union and communion with God, to a saving interest in Christ, to pardon of sin, to peace of conscience, and to that loving-kindness which is better than life?