When we give the devil the kernel – Thomas Brooks

“My son, give Me your heart.” Proverbs 23:26

“You have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.” Romans 6:17

Christian obedience is cordial and hearty. The believer knows that no obedience but hearty obedience, is acceptable to Christ. He knows that nothing takes Christ’s heart but what comes from the believer’s heart. Christ was hearty in His obedience for me,’ says the believer; ‘and shall not I be hearty in my obedience to Him?’ Christ will lay His hand of love, His hand of acceptance upon no obedience but what flows from the heart. The heart is the presence-chamber of the King of heaven, and that upon which His eye, His hand, His heart, is most set.

The scribes and Pharisees were much in the outward obedience of the law but their hearts were not in their obedience; and therefore all they did signified nothing in the account of Christ, who only accepts outward actions as they flow from the heart and affections. Their souls were not in their services, and therefore all their services were lost services. They were very glorious in their outward professionbut their hearts were as filthy sepulchers. Their outsides shined as the sun but their insides were as black as hell, Matt. 23. They were like the Egyptian temples beautiful without, but filthy within. Well! remember this: No action, no service, is accepted in heaven but that which is sealed up with integrity of heart. God will not be put off with the shell, when we give the devil the kernel.
