Where your treasure is there will your heart by also - Martha Petrusevich

Where your treasure is there will your heart by also

My friend, where is your treasure today?
In what kind of place does it lay?
Where is your heart, where is your treasure?
Where do you find true joy and pleasure?

Is your treasure in money, riches, and gold?
In earthly things, that can be bought or sold?
It might be in work, it might be in play,
What things fill your life each passing day?

You might find it, laying in earthly gain,
It might be in pride or earthly fame.
On what kind of things do you daily rely?
Will they have any value, when you die?

When you stand before God, the Lord and King,
What treasure, that day, to Him will you bring?
For all earthly things will quickly pass way,
Will you have to face Him with fear and dismay?

Seek not for worldly things of this life,
For you only will find envy, greed and strife.
Worldly riches will rot, spoil, and decay,
But heavenly things will always, always stay!!!

So lay up your treasures in heaven above,
Lay them up daily with heart and with love.
For that is the treasure that you want to bring,
That heavenly treasure for Jesus the King!!!
By Martha Petrusevich


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