Why should any living man complain – Thomas Brooks
“Why should any living man complain when punished for his sins?” Lamentations 3:39
Oh what a foolish, senseless, brutish, blockish thing it is, for a man, a mortal man, a sinful man, a man on this side hell to complain or murmur against a holy and righteous God! He who is on this side everlasting burnings, on this side a devouring fire, has no just cause to complain, whatever his losses, crosses, or sufferings are. He who has deserved a hanging, if he escapes with a whipping has no cause to complain or murmur. Men who have deserved a damning, if they escape with the loss of house, goods, etc., they have no cause to complain or murmur.
Oh sirs! Spend your days in a serious and deep admiration of that free, that rich, that infinite, and that sovereign grace that spared you, in that day when you were compassed about with flames of fire on every hand!