Zeal, Incentive to – Charles Spurgeon
IF this church do not serve God—mark these words, I speak, I think, prophetically—God will make this house a hissing, and write “Ichabod” upon these walls. Never was a church more favored than you have been. More than two hundred years God has given you a succession of faithful pastors. We have each of us in our lot striven to do our work; we have stood upon the walls of Zion, and those who have gone before, at least, have not been found unfaithful; and, as God helps me, neither will I be unfaithful, either to God’s truth or to the souls of men. But if, with such appliances, with such preaching of the gospel, and helped so marvelously, and so many of you great sinners saved from great sins, having had much forgiven—if you do not love much and serve much, O my God, let me not live to see the curse fall upon this church, but at least in my day let the blessing still continue; ay, and when this head sleeps among the clods of the valley, find them better men than we are to preach the Word, and let this church still be a star in your right hand to shine amidst the thick darkness of the world. Dear friends, if you be not in earnest about this, I am. Oh! we must not let this opportunity pass. There is much which you can do. I want you to help the heathen world, but I want you to begin with caring for this great heathen world of London; and, if you can do nothing else, at least give us your prayers.