Moody’s Declaration. – Dwight Lyman Moody

A great many people say, “Mr. Moody, I would like to know whether I am a Christian or not. I would like to know if I am saved.” The longer I live the more I am convinced that it is one of the greatest privileges of a child of God to know—to be able to say, “I am saved.” The idea of walking through life without knowing this until we get to the great white throne, is exploded. If the Bible don’t teach assurance it don’t teach justification by faith; if it don’t teach assurance it don’t teach redemption. The doctrine of assurance is as clear as any doctrine in the Bible

How many people in the Tabernacle when I ask them if they are Christians, say, “Well, I hope so,”, in a sort of a hesitat’ng way. Another class say, “I am trying to be.” This a queer kind of testimony, my friends. I notice no man is willing to go into the inquiry room till he has got a step beyond that. That class of Christians don’t amount to much. The real Christian puts it, “I believe; I believe that my Redeemer liveth; I believe that if this building of flesh were destroyed, I have a building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” No hoping and trusting with them. It is, “I know.” Hope is assured to the Christian. It is a sure hope; it isn’t a doubting hope. Suppose a man asked me if my name was Moody, and I said, “Well, I hope so,” wouldn’t it sound rather strange? I hope it is;” or, “I’m trying to be Moody.” Now, if a man asks you if you are a Christian, you ought to be able to give a reason.
