Christ, Perfect Consecration of – Charles Spurgeon

IF, beloved, you knew that at—say ten o’clock to-night—you would be led away to be mocked, and despised, and scourged, and that to-morrow’s sun would see you falsely accused, hanging, a convicted criminal, to die upon a cross, do you think that you could sing tonight after your last meal? I am sure you could not, unless with more than earthborn courage and resignation your soul could say, “Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.” You would sing if your spirit were like the Savior’s spirit; if, like him, you could exclaim, “Not as I will, but as you will;” but if there should remain in you any selfishness, any desire to be spared the bitterness of death, you would not be able to chant the “Hallel” with the Master. Blessed Jesus, how wholly were you given up! how perfectly consecrated! so that whereas other men sing when they are marching to their joys, you did sing on the way to death; whereas other men lift up their cheerful voices when honor awaits them, you had a brave and holy sonnet on your lips when shame, and spitting, and death were to be your portion.
