Faith, the Minister’s Strength – Charles Spurgeon

FAITH cries, “Trust me, my son, to make you preach better. Have more enterprise. Be more daring. Do not fight your own battle in the church-meeting, leave it to your God; trust all with him. Do not be afraid to go and speak to that foul-mouthed man; I will give you a word in the self-same hour. Trust me, and go with prudence but with zeal into the darkest haunts of vice. Find out the worst of men and seek their salvation. There is nothing you can not do if you will trust in God.” Brother, your failure, if you fail, will begin in your faith. The air says to the eagle, “Trust me; spread your broad wings. I will bear you up to the sun. Only trust me. Take your foot from off you rock which you can feel beneath you. Get away from it, and be buoyed up by the unseen element!” My brethren, eaglets of Heaven, mount aloft, for God invites you. Mount! You have but to trust him. An unknown glory rests upon him, and the radiance thereof shall come upon you if you know how to trust.
