All shadow and vanity – Thomas Brooks

“Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” Ecclessiastes 1:2

In all the ages of the world, this testimony of Solomon holds good. The things of this world are not only vain; but vanity in the abstract. They are excessive vanity; vanity of vanities; yes, they are a heap of vanity; vanity of vanities.

All in heaven write ‘vanity of vanities’ upon all worldly things; and all in hell write ‘vanity of vanities’ upon all worldly things: and why should not all on earth write ‘vanity of vanities’ upon all worldly things?

The world is all shadow and vanity. The world is like Jonah’s gourd a man may sit under its shadow for a while but it soon withers, decays, and dies. He who shall but weigh . . .
man’s pains with his pay,
his miseries with his mercies,
his sorrows with his joys,
his crosses with his comforts,
his needs with his enjoyments, etc.,
may well cry out, “Oh the vanity and
uncertainty of all these earthly things!”

All the great, the mirthful, the glorious things of the world, may fitly be resembled to the fruit which undid us all, which was fair to the sight, smooth in handling, sweet in taste but deadly in operation!
