Should God chain up Satan – Thomas Brooks

“For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Mt. 15:19

Man has an evil root within him. Were there no devil to tempt him, nor any wicked men to entice him, yet that cursed sinful nature which is in him, would draw him to sin, though he knows beforehand that ‘the wages of sin is eternal death.’

The whole frame of man is out of frame.
The understanding is dark,
the will cross,
the memory slippery,
the affections crooked,
the conscience corrupted,
the tongue poisoned,
the heart wholly evil, only evil, and continually evil.

Should God chain up Satan, and give him no liberty to tempt or entice people to vanity or folly, yet they could not but sin against Him, by reason of that cursed nature that is in them.

Satan can only present the golden cup but he has no power to force us to drink the poison that is in the cup. He can only present to us the glory of the world, he cannot force us to fall down and worship him, to enjoy the world. He can only spread his snares, he has no power to force us to walk in the midst of his snares.

From the cradle to the cross, His whole life was a life of sufferings. Jesus waded through . . .
a sea of trouble,
a sea of sin,
a sea of blood
a sea of wrath,
that sinners might be pardoned, justified, reconciled, and saved!
