The true salamander’s skin! – Thomas Brooks

“The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all our sins.” 1 John 1:7

O you who truly fear the Lord, and who are united to Christ by faith, know for your everlasting comfort and support that Christ has secured you . . .
from infernal fire,
from everlasting fire,
from unquenchable fire,
from eternal fire, and
from the worm which never dies!

Christ by His blood has quenched the violence of infernal flames so that they shall never . . . scorch you nor burn you, hurt you nor harm you!

Some say that Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace was a type of hell. Now look! As the three Hebrew children, or rather champions, had not one hair of their heads singed in that fiery furnace just so, hell-fire shall never singe one hair of your heads! O sirs, Christ’s blood has so quenched the flames of hell that they shall never be able to scorch or burn those souls who are saved by Him! Such as are washed and cleansed from their sins in the blood of Jesus, such shall never experimentally know what everlasting burnings or a devouring fire means. Such as are washed in Christ’s blood need no purifying by hell’s flames!

The fable says that a salamander cannot burn. Nero had a shirt made of a salamander’s skin, so that if he walked through the fire in it it would keep him from burning. O sirs! Christ is the true salamander’s skin which will certainly keep every gracious soul from burning in everlasting flames!

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all our sins.” 1 John 1:7
