You take the goods – Thomas Brooks
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” Psalm 42:1-2
The rattle without the breast, will not satisfy the child, the house without the husband, will not satisfy the wife, the cabinet without the jewel, will not satisfy the maiden, nor will the world without Christ, satisfy the soul.
The hungry soul will not be put off with any bread but with the bread of life; the thirsty soul will not be put off with any water but with the wellsprings of life.
As the king of Sodom said once, “You take the goods, give me the people,” Gen. 14:21. Just so, says the hungry soul, “You take the goods take your honors, and riches, and the favor of creatures, take the grain, the oil, and the wine; give me Christ, give me the light of His countenance, give me the joy of His Spirit, etc.