A CALL TO HOLY LIVING – Charles Spurgeon
Introduction: The Importance of Justification by Faith
“What do you do more than others?” Matthew 5:47. It is a very great fault in any ministry if the Doctrine of Justification by Faith alone is not most clearly taught. I will go further and add that it is not only a great fault but a fatal one, for souls will never find their way to Heaven by a ministry that is not clear on the most fundamental of Gospel truths. We are justified by Faith, not by the works of the Law. The merit by which a soul enters Heaven is not its own; it is the Merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I am quite sure that you will all hold me guiltless of ever having spoken about this great Doctrine in any other than unmistakable language; if I have erred, it is not in that direction. At the same time, it is a dangerous state of things if Doctrine drives out Precept and if Faith is held up as making Holiness a superfluity. Sanctification must not be forgotten or overlaid by Justification. We must teach plainly that the Faith which saves the soul is not a dead faith, but one that operates with a purifying effect upon our entire nature and produces fruits of Righteousness to the praise and Glory of God.
It is not by personal Holiness that a man shall enter Heaven, but yet without Holiness shall no man see the Lord; it is not by good works that we are Justified, but if a man continues to live an ungodly life, his faith will not justify him. For it is not the Faith of God’s Elect, since that Faith is worked by the Holy Spirit and conforms men to the Image of Christ.
We must learn to place the Precepts in their right position; they are not the base of the column, they are the capital of it. Precepts are not given to us as a way to obtain Life, but as the way in which to exhibit Life. The commands of Christ are not upon the legal tenor of, “Do this and live,” but upon the Gospel system of, “Live and do this.” We are not to be attentive to the Precepts in order to be saved, but because we are saved. Our master motive is gratitude to Him who has saved us with a great Salvation.
The Regenerate Heart and the Precepts of Holiness
I am sure that every renewed heart here will feel no opposition to the most Holy Precepts of our Lord. However severely pure that Law may seem to be, as we have just read from this 5th Chapter of Matthew, our hearts agree with it. We ask that we may be so renewed that our lives may be conformed to it. The regenerate never rebel against any Precept, saying, “This is too pure.” On the contrary, our New-Born Nature is enamored of its Holiness, and we cry, “Your Word is very pure, therefore Your servant loves it. O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes.”
Even though we find that when we would do good, evil is present with us, yet our inmost soul longs after Holiness and pines to be delivered from every evil way. At any rate, dear Friends, if it is not so with you, you may well question whether you are, indeed, the children of God. My desire this morning is to insist upon the Precepts which tend to Holiness, and I pray the Holy Spirit to excite desires after a high degree of purity in all believing hearts.
The False Comfort of Comparing Oneself to Others
Too many persons judge themselves by others, and if upon the whole they discover that they are no worse than the mass of mankind, they give themselves a mark of special commendation. They strike a sort of average among their neighbors, and if they cannot pretend to be the very best, yet, if they are not the very worst, they are pretty comfortable. There are certain scribes and Pharisees among their acquaintance who fast three times a week, and pay tithes of all they possess, and they look upon these as very superior persons whom they would not attempt to compete with. But they thank God that they are far above those horrible publicans, and those dreadful sinners who are put outside the pale of society!
They therefore feel quite easy in their minds and go to their places of worship as if they were saints. They bear the name of Christian as if it belonged to them, share in Christian privileges, and sit with God’s people as if they were truly of the family. Their marks and evidences are just these: they do about as much upon the whole as other people, and if they are not first, they are not altogether last.
The nests of such people ought to be grievously disturbed when they read the Chapter before us, for there the Master insists upon a higher standard than the world’s highest and tells us that unless our Righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. In our Text, the great Master asks of those who are professors of His Faith, that they should not only do as much as others to prove their title but that they should do more than others. He makes this a test question concerning their being really His followers: “What do you do more than others?”
I. Grounds for Expecting More from Christians Than Others
There are legitimate reasons why the world, the Church, and our Lord Jesus Christ Himself may expect more from Christians than from the rest of mankind. The first is that Christians profess more. Professions should always be supported by facts, or else they are deceits, fakes, and hypocrisies. A Christian professes to be a renewed man; he has learned the evil of sin, repented of it, and fled to Christ Jesus. He professes to have been pardoned, to have received a new heart, and a right spirit. He professes also to be a child of God, and an heir of Heaven.
Other men do not profess this; some wish that they could hope these things belonged to them, others altogether despise them, but neither case professes to be what the Christian is. Now, Christian, if you profess this, your life must prove it! If your life gives the lie to your religious pretensions, you stand convicted of a flagrant lie, a fraud against men, and a felony against God.
In proportion as the privilege and honor of a child of God is great, the sin of false pretensions to Divine Grace is increased. If you say you are regenerated, renewed, and sanctified—then be all that this means, or else cease your boasting.
The Strength and Grace to Live Holy Lives
Secondly, we may expect more from Christians because it is a fact in the case of those who are truly Christians: they are more than others. It is not mere talk; it is a fact that the Believer in Christ is born again. He is not only as other men are, made by God, but he has been twice made—newly born, newly created in Christ Jesus. This is no fiction but a matter of truthful experience; we have passed from death unto life.
Moreover, God has a chosen people. “I have chosen you out of the world,” says Christ. These are more than others and are infinitely more indebted to God’s Love. He has loved them with an everlasting love, and because of this, He has drawn them to Himself. These men have been redeemed as others were not. They are not their own, for they have been bought with a price.
The Power of the Holy Spirit in Christians
True Christians can do more than others. “Can,” says one, “why, they can do nothing.” True, but through Christ who strengthens them, they can do all things! Christ strengthens His people. Even in their weakness, they are strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. Jesus Christ lends to them His conquering Energy, and, as His blood has overcome the enemy, they overcome through the blood of the Lamb.
More Expected from Christians Because They Have More
More is expected from Christians because they have more. The poorest Christian possesses more than the richest unbeliever. The poor, aged pauper who believes in Christ would not exchange her lot for the imperial purple. She would refuse to leave her Savior though the world were offered to her.
Christians possess the Covenant of Grace, a Covenant rich beyond comparison. In this Covenant, Christ is All in All. All the glories of His Immaculate Manhood, and His Infinite Godhead—all His Merits, all His Conquests, all His Glories—are theirs. They have God to be their God, and all things work together for their good.
II. Matters in Which Christians Must Do More Than Others
The Master expects His people to set a more godly example than others. In Matthew 5:13-16, our Lord expects His followers to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Christians are to affect others for good, be an influence in society, and never be “savorless salt” or “an unlit candle.” If we do not influence others for good, we have failed in our duty as Christians.
Christians must do more than others because they are called to a higher standard. They have been given grace, strength, and an example to follow in Christ. By His grace, they must strive to live lives that reflect the Holiness and purity that He requires. Let us, therefore, live in a way that honors our Savior, for He has done so much for us.
The Expectation of Exact Obedience
Next, if I read from the 17th to the 20th verses, I am taught that our Lord expects from His people a more exact performance of the Divine Will than even the Pharisees pretend to give. Observe, He speaks here about jots and tittles never passing away, and about those who break the least of His Commandments and teach men so. I gather that He would have us observe the very least of His Words and treasure up His Commandments. Do you think, dear Brothers and Sisters, there would be so many sects among Christians if all Believers honestly wanted to know the Truth of God and to know Christ’s Will? I do not think there would be. I cannot think our Lord has written a Book so doubtful and ambiguous in its expressions that men need differ in interpreting it upon plain points. I am afraid we bring prejudice to it—the prejudice of our constitutional temperament, or of our parents, or of the church with which we are associated. We pay reverence to somebody else’s book, perhaps a catechism, perhaps the Book of Common Prayer, over and beyond the Bible itself! Now, this is all wrong, and we must purge ourselves of it and come to the Word of God itself!
And when we come to this Book, it must be candidly and humbly, with this feeling: “I desire now to unlearn the most precious Doctrine or practice I have ever learned, if the Lord will show me that it is inconsistent with His Will; and I desire to learn that Truth which will bring me most into derision, or that Ordinance which will submit me to the greatest inconvenience, if it is His Will, for I am His servant, and I desire nothing to support my own opinion or to be my own rule.” I think we shall all get pretty near together if, in the Spirit of God, we begin reading our Bibles in this way. Surely the Lord expects this of us.
The Misuse of Tradition and Prejudice
I do not think He expects this of some professors, for certainly, He will never get it. They are quite satisfied to say, “I attend my parish church, and that is the faith of our church”; or, “My grandmother joined the Dissenters, and, therefore I keep to them; and besides, after all, you know there are no sects in Heaven.” That last assertion is one of the shallowest pretenses ever designed on earth to excuse men from being scrupulously obedient to every Word of their Lord and Master! I do doubt, O Disciple, but what you will reach Heaven, even though you mistake some of the Master’s teaching, but I do doubt your ever reaching there if you willfully despise His Words or decline to learn what He came to teach! Our Lord has said unto us, “Go you, therefore, and disciple all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” and therefore if you will not become disciples and learn of Christ, we have not even begun with you; neither can you be baptized or bear the name of the Triune God. Jesus will have you obey His Will as well as trust His Grace. Mind that, Beloved. This demand for exact obedience is no word of mine, but of the Master.
Gentleness: A Mark of True Christians
Look again, from the 21st to the 26th verses, and though I do not pretend to expound every word, I remark that Christ would have His people excel all others in gentleness. Others will retaliate on those who vex them, and call them hard names, and will even go the length of saying, “Fool,” and perhaps go still further, even come to cursing and imprecating terrible judgments. A quarrelsome man, when he is in a quarrel with another, rather takes pleasure in it; he does not care how many hate him, or how many he hates; his religion is quite consistent with the worst temper. He can say his prayers or he can offer his gifts to his god, and yet be as malicious as he likes.
But with the Christian, it is not so, and must not be so; we are to bear a great deal of wrong before we make any reply whatever, and when we do give an answer, we must, if we would be like our Master, give a gentle one. Heaping coals of fire upon the head of our enemy by returning abundant kindness is the right revenge for a Christian, and all other revenge is denied to him. He is not to stand upon his rights. He is rather to say, “I know it is my right, but I will yield it sooner than I will contend; I know this man does me an injustice, but I will bear it sooner than my temper shall be ruffled, or my spirit shall be defiled by an evil thought.”
“Oh,” says one, “this is a hard measure.” Do you think it so? Are you a Christian, then? For while in my soul I feel it is difficult, my heart feels I desire to do it, and I love it, and aspire after it; and I think every real Christian, though by reason of infirmity he often breaks this blessed rule, yet sees the beauty of it and does not think it hard. No, rather the hard point to him is that he should fall so short of the gentle, loving Nature of his dear Lord and Master!
Purity and Holiness Beyond the External
But I must pass on, for the next point in which the Christian is to excel is in purity. Read from the 27th to the 32nd verse—I do not go into particulars, but purity is earnestly commanded. The ungodly man says, “Well, I do not commit any act of fornication; you do not hear me sing a lascivious song,” and saying that, he feels content. But the Christian’s Master expects us to carry the point a great deal farther. An unchaste look is a crime to us, and an evil thought is a sin; oh, it shocks me beyond measure when I hear of professedly Christian people who fall into the commission of immodest actions—not such as are called criminal in common society, but loose, fleshly, and full of lasciviousness.
I beseech you, all of you, in your conversation with one another, avoid anything which has the appearance of impurity in this respect. Looks and gestures, step by step, lead on to fouler things, and sport which begins in folly ends in lewdness; be chaste as the driven snow—let not an immodest glance defile you. We do not like to say much about these things, as they are so delicate, and we tremble lest we should suggest what we would prevent, but, oh, by the tears of Jesus, by the wounds of Jesus, by the death of Jesus, hate even the garment spotted by the flesh, and avoid everything that savors of unchastity.
Flee youthful lusts as Joseph did; run any risk sooner than fall into uncleanness, for it is a deep ditch, and the abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein. Strong temptations lie in wait for the young in a great city like this, but let the young man learn of God to cleanse his way by taking heed according to His Word. May you all be kept from falling, and be presented faultless before the Presence of God with exceedingly great joy! You are not to be commonly chaste, you are to be much more than that: the very look and thought of impurity are to be hateful to you. Help us, O Spirit of God!
Truthfulness: Christians Must Excel
The Christian, next, is to be more than others in truthfulness. Read on from the 33rd to the 37th verses, and the gist of all is that whereas another man utters the truth because he swears, you are to speak the truth because you cannot do otherwise. Your ordinary word is to be as true as the extraordinary oath of the man who stands in the witness box in the court of justice; you are to avoid those evasions and modes of concealing the truth which are common enough in trade; you are to avoid those exaggerations, those lies which are a common nuisance.
Why, our advertisements swarm with lies! Our shop windows are daubed with them—such as, “tremendous sacrifices,” when the only sacrificed person is the customer! The entire world sees through puffery, and yet even professors go on puffing and exaggerating. Shun it, Christian. If you tell a man you sell him an article under cost, let it be under cost or do not say so. There are other modes of commending your wares which will be quite as effective as lies. Scorn to earn a farthing by uttering that which is not true, and what you might allow in your next-door neighbor, and say, “Well, he is under a different rule than I”—do not for a moment tolerate in yourself!
Forbearance and Love
The strict literal truth in all things should be the law of the child of God; let your “yes” be “yes,” and your “no” no. We have already touched upon the point which our Savior mentions from the 38th to the 42nd verses, namely, that the Christian should excel in forbearance. He should be ready to suffer wrong again and again sooner than be provoked to resistance, much less retaliation. That I have already spoken of, but may we excel in it.
And lastly, from the 42nd to the 48th verses, our Savior shows that He expects us to excel in love to all mankind and in the practical fruit of it in trying to do them good. We ought to be, above all others, the most loving people, and the most good-doing people. The man who buttons himself up within himself and says—“Well, let every man see to himself, that is what I say; every man for himself, and God for us all”; the man who goes through the world paying his way with strict justice, but all the while having no heart to feel for the sick, and the poor, and the needy; the man with no care about anybody else’s soul, his whole heart enclosed within his own ribs all buttoned up in his own broadcloth; such a man is very much like the devil; he is certainly not like Christ.
The Call to Live for Others
Our Lord Jesus Christ’s heart was expansive and unselfish; He gave Himself for His enemies, and died breathing a prayer over them; He never lived for Himself. You could not put your finger on one point of His life and say, “Here He lived for Himself alone.” His prayers, nor His preaching, nor His miracles, nor His sufferings, His woes, or His glories were with an eye to Himself; He saved others, but Himself He would not save. His followers must in this follow Him closely; selfishness is as foreign to Christianity as darkness to light! The true Christian lives to do good; he looks abroad to see whom he may serve, and with his eyes, he looks upon the wicked, upon the fallen, and the outcasts, seeking to reclaim them. Yes, he looks upon his personal enemies in the same way, and aims at winning them by repeated kindnesses. No nationality must confine his goodwill, no sect or clan monopolize his benevolence; no depravity of character or poverty of condition must sicken his loving-kindness, for Jesus received sinners, and ate with them.
A Call to Action
Our love must embrace those who lie hard by the gates of Hell, and we must endeavor with words of truth and deeds of love to bring them to Christ who can lift them up to Heaven. Oh that you may all be gentle, quiet, meek in spirit, but full of an ardent, burning affection towards your fellow men; so shall you be known to be Christ’s disciples!
“Oh,” you say, “these are great things.” Yes, but you have a Great Spirit to help you, and you owe a great deal to your precious Lord and Master. Did I hear one say, “I will avoid sin by being very retired; I will find out a quiet place where I shall not be tempted, and where I shall have few calls upon me.” Pretty soldier you are, who, when your Captain says, “Win the victory,” reply, “I will keep clear of the fight.” No, Christian, go about your trade; go into the busy mart; attend to your business; attend to your family, attend to those matters which God has allotted to you, and glorify God in the battle of life by doing more than others! May God enable you to do so.
Reasons for Doing More Than Others
III. Now, into about two minutes we must condense what ought to have occupied at least a quarter of an hour. The last head was to deal with REASONS FOR OUR DOING MORE THAN OTHERS. They were just these: First, by our fruits we are known. Men will never know us by our Faith, for that is within us; they know us by our works, which are visible to them. Bring forth, therefore, the fruits of Divine Grace, that the world may know you have been with Jesus.
Remember, also, that works are to be evidence at the last. It is consistent with the Gospel of Grace, no doubt, for it is a Truth of God clearly revealed, that we shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body, whether they are good or whether they are evil; and you know that when the Lord gave us the description of the Judgment, He did not say to His disciples, “You believed in Me,” or, “You loved Me”—these were secret matters—but He said, “I was hungry, and you gave Me meat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was sick and in prison, and you visited Me.” It is by your works you will be judged! O Believers, may Grace enable you to abound in them!
It is by such works that the mouths of gainsayers are to be stopped. One Holy action is a better argument against blasphemers than a thousand eloquent discourses. You are our replies to skeptics—you who have been rescued from sin, maintain a life of Holiness. When they see the men who are healed, standing with Peter and John, they can say nothing against them. Oh, by your works confuse gainsayers!
These works, too, bring Glory to God. “That they, seeing your good works, may glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” And these works also ensure peace to your own conscience, and have much to do with your close communion with God. “How can two walk together except they are agreed?” If you walk contrary to Him, He will walk contrary to you; your sins will separate you and your God, but the Holy Spirit, where He maintains Holiness, maintains peace and communion in the soul. “If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.” “If you keep My commandments,” says the Savior, “You shall abide in My Love”—shall abide in the conscious fellowship of that Love, and in the enjoyment of it!
May God help you, may God help you, for His name’s sake! Look here, you who say you believe in Christ, but are living in sin—what does this make of your boasting? Look here, you who say, “I have only to believe by-and-by, and I may live as I like, and yet be saved.” Is it so? Is it so? “If the righteous scarcely are saved, where will the ungodly and the wicked appear?” As for those whose ungodly lives stare them in the face, so far from being saved by their pretended faith, they are trees twice dead, plucked up by the roots! If they say they continue in sin, that Grace may abound, their damnation is just!
The Salvation of Christ is not a Salvation in sin, but a Salvation from sin. They who would be saved by Him must come and trust Him just as they are, and He will enable them to forsake their sin; but while they continue to say, “We will take pleasure in sin,” there is no Salvation possible for them. God bring us to Christ, and nail our sins to His Cross, and give us Life in our Savior’s Life. Amen.