A sea of grace or but a drop of grace – Thomas Brooks
“Those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified.” Romans 8:30
God’s love is equal to all His saints, whether they are rich or poor, high or low, slave or free; whether they have a sea of grace or but a drop of grace. God’s love runs as much out to the weakest Christian, as it does to the strongest; as much to a babe in grace as to a giant in grace.
All saints are equally ELECTED. God never chose one man to be more a vessel of glory than another; the weakest saint is as much elected as the strongest.
All saints are equally REDEEMED by Jesus Christ. Christ bled as much for one saint as another, and He sweat as much for one saint as another, and He sighed and groaned as much for one saint as another, and He trod the wine-press of His Father’s wrath as much for one saint as another. Christ paid as great a price for His lambs as for His sheep. Christ paid as great a price for Lazarus in his rags as for David in his royal robes.
All saints are equally EFFECTUALLY CALLED. One saint is as much called out of the kingdom of darkness as another; and one saint is as much called to Jesus Christ as another. In effectual calling, God looks with as favorable an eye upon one, as He does upon another.
All saints are equally JUSTIFIED. Though one saint may be more sanctified than another yet no saint is more justified than another. The weakest believer is as much justified and pardoned before the throne of God as the strongest is. That pure, perfect, matchless, and spotless righteousness of Christ, is as much imputed to one saint as it is to another.
All saints are equally ADOPTED. The weakest believer is as much an adopted son of God, as the strongest believer in the world is. God is no more a father to one than He is to another. In human families, the babe in the mother’s arms is as much a son as he who is of riper years.
Thus you see that God’s love is equal to all His saints.