Actually Born into redemption - Chambers, Oswald
Lecture: November 13, 1914
John 3:4
The abiding reality is god, and he makes known his order in the fleeting moments. Redemption par- takes of gods character, therefore it is not fleeting; but we have the power and the privilege of exhibit- ing the redemption in the fleeting moments of our actual life. This is the real meaning of being born from above (rv mg). Civilisation is based on prin- ciples which imply that the passing moment is permanent. The only permanent thing is god, and if i put anything else as permanent, i become atheistic. I must build only on god ( john 14:6). Because god spoke to me once, i stick to that. You are a fool if you do. Stick to the god who spoke to you. He is speaking the word all the time; it is only as we are trained by obedience that we can understand him (see john 6:63).
1. The standard of actual redemption
The standard of actual redemption simply means the manifestation of the life of god in the actual fleeting moments of my life. The eternal reality of gods redemption is there all the time, being born from above (rv mg) means that i am partaking in it. Nicodemus question, how can a man be born when he is old? ( john 3:4), is an exhibition of cultured stupidity, which is denser than ignorant stupidity because it wont be enlightened. Immediately i ask how can? I evade the you must. God never debates or argues.
We know that whosoever is born of god sinneth not (1 john 5:18). The life of god in me does not sin (see 1 john 3:9). If i am based on the redemp- tion, this standard will manifest itself in the actual moments of my life, viz. , i must not sin. It is not something i set myself to do, but something i know i never can do, therefore i let god do it. I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing (romans 7:18). Born from above (rv mg), i realise that the life of god has entered into me. God gives me himself : the gift of god is eternal life (romans 6:23), and eternal life consciously in me is to know god ( john 17:3). The life of god cannot commit sin, and if i will obey the life of god, which has come into me by regeneration, it will manifest itself in my mortal flesh. It is only when i disobey the life of god that i commit sin; then i must get back again into the light by confession (1 john 1:9). If i walk in the light as god is in the light, sin is not. Actual redemption is as positive as real redemption. We never enter into the kingdom of god by having our head questions answered, but only by commitment.
2. Statement of actual recognition
Christ has to unsettle the certainty of a mans pagan mind; the wind of the spirit touches him across the fleeting moments of his life, and he gets disturbed. The need, then, is for someone sure of christ, and sure of his word, to patiently watch for that soul, and that kind of watching is the meaning of intercession. The holy spirit imparts the energy of the redemption into human hearts by means of actual words, and it is to this that peter refers in his epistle: having been begot- ten again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of god . . . (1 peter 1:23 rv). Redemption comes to the shores of our human lives in actual words. You must get a word from god. Be sure you get the witness that this is so. The assurance is more positive than intellectual knowledge. The spirit of god always works with the word of god.
3. Substance of active realisation
When a man is actually born from above (rv mg), he knows that the redemption is as eternal as almighty god. The disturbance by the spirit of god opens a mans eyes and he turns from darkness to light, from the authority of satan unto god; then he is ready to receive the holy spirit who conveys to him forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified . . . (acts 26:18). Receiving necessitates conscious poverty (cf. Matthew 20:22; mark 14:50; john 20:22). Receiving in its elementary and in its complete stages is described in john 1:1213, but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of god, even to them that believe on his name, . . . Because to receive jesus even intellectually, means that i commit myself. If i really receive jesus christ with my mind, i am given the right to become a son of god. The holy spirit makes that right an actual possession, and i receive sonship. To receive power to become a son of god means that i realise i am not a son; if i think i am a son already, i will patronise god. The at-one-ment means being made actually one with god through the redemption of our lord. This is to receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken.