Be strong and courageous – Thomas Brooks

God is glorious in power, and wonderful in counsel, and infinite in mercy, and admirable in goodness, and rich in grace, and unsearchable in understanding.

“I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:5-6

When God puts His people upon weighty services, He assures them of His presence, and of His assistance. He assures them that He will stand by them, and strengthen them, and support them, and uphold them. He assures them that . . .
His power should be theirs to defend them,
His wisdom should be theirs to direct them,
His goodness should be theirs to supply them,
His grace should be theirs to heal them,
His mercy should be theirs to pardon them,
His joy should be theirs to strengthen them,
His promise should be theirs to cheer them,
His Spirit should be theirs to lead them.
