The Violent
The Violent Yes, the Savior’s yoke is easy,And His grace is free to all,But the careless don’t embrace it,When they hear the gospel call. Though the will of man can’t birth it;Cannot choose the kingdom’s course,Yet the violent—Scripture tells us—Take it to themselves by force. If you’re asking, seeking, knocking,Eager to be freed from sin,Christ, […]
Not Ready to Die
Not Ready to Die The flower of youth though but recently fled,The sentence of death has been passed on my head.My heart is unwilling, my conscience can’t rest,My life’s not in order, by fears I’m oppressed,’Cause I am not ready,Not ready to die. I know in my head that the answer is Christ,That I can […]
Inheritance in Light
Inheritance in Light We thank you, God, our Father,For giving us the OneBy whom we’re made partakersOf the kingdom of Your Son.You rescued us from darkness,From Satan and his chains,And moved us to the kingdomWhere Your Beloved reigns. In Christ we have redemption,Forgiveness of our sins,Through blood, the blood of Jesus, By whom all life […]
Don’s Testimony
Don’s Testimony My memories are few from the first years of life, But what I remember is feuding and strife. My memories are few from the first years of life, But what I remember is feuding and strife.Then building, and fieldwork, and milking the cows,With no other pastime than farm work allows. We lived without […]
I Don’t Deserve a Moment’s Grace
I Don’t Deserve a Moment’s Grace I don’t deserve a moment’s graceMuch less such love as this: I don’t deserve a moment’s graceMuch less such love as this:That One should die to take my placeAnd all my guilt dismiss. I can’t repay the debt I owe;I know I can’t begin.The more I try my love […]
Do You Believe in My Savior?
Do You Believe in My Savior? Oh, do you believe in my Savior?You honor the day of His birth, Oh, do you believe in my Savior?You honor th day of His birth,But have you received His forgiveness,And seen Him for what He is worth? He came as a babe in a manger,And humbly He dwelt […]
The Narrow Way
The Narrow Way The way indeed is narrow;The entrance to it strait. The way indeed is narrow;The entrance to it strait.Don’t think with wicked baggageTo enter at the gate.The heart of Christ our SaviorIs big enough for all,But He reserves the pathwayFor those who heed His call. His call is self-denial;Repentance is His cry.Before the […]
It’s Done
It’s Done It’s done. It is finished — and done once for all —The work of the cross that has torn down the wall; It’s done. It is finished — and done once for all — Heb. 10:10The work of the cross that has torn down the wall; Eph. 2:14That satisfied justice and paid for our sin,-Rom 3:25-26And opened […]
Ressurection Song
Ressurection Song Oh, do you believe in my Savior?The One who arose fromt he grave? Oh, do you believe in my Savior?The One who arose from the grave?You’ve heard of the man they call Jesus .Do you walk in His power to save? You’re on the broad road to destruction,Deserving His judgement and wrath,Until you […]
Only One
Only One There’s only one shelter and only one rest,There’s only one place I can go when oppressed. There’s only one shelter and only one rest,There’s only one place I can go when oppressed.I’ve tried other options and find they are vain,But in the Lord Jesus there’s peace and great gain. There’s only one refuge, […]
Are You Willing?
Are You Willing? God is able to conform youTo the image of His Son, God is able to conform youTo the image of His Son,If you’ll trust in my Lord Jesus And consent to have it done. He is able; Are you willingTo have old things pass away?To become a new creationAnd the Word of […]
Love to All
Love to All Create in this poor, struggling soulToo hard a case for Thee? Thy wisdom and Thy power flowIn concert with Thy grace,And nothing is too hard for TheeNor I, too hard a case. No, not a thirsty soul is foundOutside Thy loving sphere,Nor can outside Thy power to saveA contrite heart appear. No […]
He’ll Never Leave Me
He’ll Never Leave Me Forsaken of God was his well-beloved Son,Condemned for my sin was the only pure One. Forsaken of God was his well-beloved Son,Condemned for my sin was the only pure One.He suffered alone, died alone on the tree,Love’s eternal object rejected for me. The pain and the anguish I hardly conceive,Affliction so […]
The Bonds are Broken
The Bonds are Broken The law of sin and death may reign,Increasing misery and pain, The law of sin and death may reign,Increasing misery and pain,Where blinded men its bonds embrace,But God be praised who offers grace,And frees me from sin’s bitter claw,By issuing a better lawThe law of life and liberty;The law of Christ […]
Death and Life
Death and Life The Father’s love is far too greatTo be to heaven confined.The love He gave a worthy SonExtends to humankind. No man deserves a share in thatWhich God bestows in grace,And pours with all the wealth He ownsOn our rebellious race. My God, could any yearning soulBe turned away by Thee?And could thy […]
Dead in Christ
Dead in Christ Dead in Christ and ris’n again;This the plan of God for men. Dead in Christ and ris’n again;This the plan of God for men.When we die, new life we find,Guilt and pain are left behind. Once he died for you and me,That from sin we’d be set free.Daily we must likewise die,Daily […]
The Face of My Saviour
The Face of My Saviour In the heat of affliction,When bowed down with care, In the heat of affliction,When bowed down with care,In my troubles and worries,I pour out my prayer.Thus I cast on my SaviourMy burden of grief,And I find in His presenceThe sweetest relief Oh, the face of my SaviourIs shining and bright,And […]